

| B.E. ( Bachelor of Engine...

29th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


You need a career counsellor because career counsellor is

  1. Objective by nature. Your parents your teachers are connected with you but career counselling is not connected with you so he doesn t have any image about you.
  2. He/she is not emotionally attached with you.
  3. He /she has psychological understanding n technology like edumilestones company behind him.
  4. Edumilestones companies technology is is connected with artificial intelligence AI, it has got a very powerful objective computerized system.
  5. Good career counselor can read and interpreter read the data very nicely and counsel you perfectly. so you should go to professional career counsellor committed for the cause
  6. You are welcome at personality development academy to take my online course to choose the best career for you.
  7. You can do it from anywhere,
  8. Call 9426 214 800

test shalika

20th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


So that no one comittes mistake as i did....

As a child I lived dream of my parents..without knowing my skill sets and abilities.. or even nothing more than one option in that field.

Now i realise if i would have got a career counselor during my childhood, and i have known my skills and abilities.. i would have suceeded much earlier.


A career couselor is that fellow, who can help you know your real skills, abilities and show a fair picture of what all one can do to lead a happy, sucessful life.

Career is not only about top listed vacancies - its about happiness, feel good and balanced life. Only a well trained career counselor can give you that.

Edumilestones | M.A in Counseling Psychol...

2nd of April 2020 | 2 Likes


We need career counsellors because

  • Many students and graduates are confused about their suitable career path. What to choose after 10th? What to do after 12th? Which stream to take? Which stream to take in engineering? etc.
  • Many professionals are stressed up in their current job. They are doing a job just for the sake of doing it rather than what they are passionate about. According to indeed survey, 42% of the employees are dissatisfied with their jobs.
  • Hence, we need career counsellors to guide the students, graduates, professionals in the right direction and lead them to happy career life.

Atul Srivastava | MPhil, MSc, PGDHRM, PGD G...

27th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Charting a career path in present day scenario has become a challenging exercise. Gone are the days when Medical, Engineering or Civil services were the only options available to aspirants of a good career. Today diverse opportunities across a wide spectrum are available to choose from.More importantly there are scientific tools which  make individuals aware of their potential and help align their their career  paths.  However what is the reality?

Young minds at critical stage in career have often been found struggling making career choices. Directives from parents, peer pressure, lack of self awareness and at times unrealistic vision of desired  future life (which may be at cross purposes with personality, interest and skills) infuse high degree of confusion. All this is avoidable as experts are available who can empower individuals through facilitation to embark on potentially satisfying career path.

Seeking guidance when faced with such threats is obviously a logical options for aspirants of a successful career. Hence the need for career counsellors.


16th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


First, it s important to accept that 90% of the youth need someone who can give them insight into options. 

Second, society does help in giving insight but it is at the cost of being biased. 

Third, it s proven that if an individual is counseled regular for his career growth then he/she is likely to succeed faster and have a content and satisfactory work life. 

Hence, presence and interaction with career counselors is essential at every stage of education and job. 
